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Mission Support System

当今快速变化的战场空间和先进的电子战要求飞行员在飞行前评估来自空中作战控制的复杂信息,以便能够进行全面的任务规划. The MSS is a vital companion for this assessment.

Key features

Superior pre-mission situation awareness
Reduced time to airborne that implies enhanced survivability
Comprehensive post mission analysis and reporting

Designed to support air tasking with fighter aircraft

MSS是一种具有不同选择选项的产品,集成了来自各种情报来源的战术信息, displayed on a common workspace with high-resolution map-support. This allows for efficient team collaboration. With a semi- to fully automatic assessment of the operational parameters, the operators receives a comprehensive support from order to report.

The MSS adopts planning-support for the activities within the tactical loop, part of the OODA (Observe Orient Decide Act) loop. 目标是在执行任务之前提供态势感知和规划支持. After completed mission, the focus is analysis, evaluation and reporting.

The MSS adopts planning-support for the activities within the tactical loop, part of the OODA (Observe Orient Decide Act) loop.

Basic capabilities are:

• Air tasking order handling
• Mission briefing
• Geospatial data retrieval
• Scenario/situational awareness setup
• Planning and rehearsal
• Mission data up-/download to/from aircraft
• Analysis and evaluation
• Debriefing
• Reporting

具有关注信息分离的MSS工作空间针对单个和/或多个客户端的团队协作进行了优化. By this, 多个学科可以同时提供其特定的信息集,以完成全面的任务规划.

提高作战人员在高度复杂情况下的任务规划能力,缩短规划时间, MSS可选地为自动计算的弹道提供支持.

In addition, 《十大正规博彩网站评级》中的可选AI会使用之前任务的经验来促进更加自主的系统行为.


Did you know?

十大正规博彩网站评级的“鹰狮”任务支持系统起源于20世纪90年代的软件项目,为十大正规博彩网站评级Draken (J35)等平台提供任务支持。, Saab Viggen (J37), Gripen A/B (JAS39), TP84 Hercules (C-130) and Helicopter 14 (NH90).

  • The MSS for the South African Air Force is adapted to their trainer jet Hawk, used for familiarization to the Gripen aircraft.
  • MSS占用空间可适应从办公环境到旅行车使用或严格的虚拟化基础设施的各种部署.
  • MSS的一种衍生型已经适应适应泰国HTMS Chakri直升机航母的舰载任务规划系统.
The Gripen MSS is now in use in 6 different countries.

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